An animated short film directed by Monika Lyko. Story by Linda M. Kallestein and Monika Lyko. Music by Andreu Jacob. Voice and Lyric by Monika Lyko.
"There is only One in all...
One who harness the empty space in to stillness,
One who fells at first...
One who fells at first what isn't...
never is gone...never forgotten...never alone.
Once you have lived this kind,
...there is You in You---
and the universe---and the peace---and
LOVE---and You for many of You"
Conductor-Natacha Uhova,
Дима черничкин, Mihail Demchenko, Olga Sosnov, Ekaterina Koshelev, Svetlana Bazina, Grigory Sarkisyan, Pavel Savin, Natacha Uhova
Conductor-Andreu Jacob,
Karin Kolstad, Heidi Gaustad, Elisabeth Knudsen Bye, Elisabeth Barhellestøl, Aleksandra Migala, Liwa Migala, Elżbieta Kowalska